
How to use autofs to mount a network drive/folder

Autofs lets you mount a network drive/folder automatically without fiddling with fstab.

Firts add a file to the root home folder with the credentials to access that network folder. We named our file credentials.txt, than add:

username="the username"
password="the password"

Next add to the folder etc/auto.master.d a file with the following code 

share1 -fstype=cifs,rw,noperm,credentials=/root/credentials.txt ://path to the source folder

We named this file as share1

Add another file to the same folder but with an extension .autofs and add the following code

/path to the destination folder  /etc/auto.master.d/share1 --timeout=60 --ghost

We named this file as share1.autofs

Now we need to enable autofs to run at boot time
On a terminal type (you need elevated privileges)

systemctl enable autofs.service

Now reboot or type on a terminal

systemctl start autofs.service

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