
The New ATI Catalyst 7.11

So the new drivers from ATI are here, now with version 7.11 (AKA 8.43.3).

Did the same kind of installation that I always do, i.e., from the repositories (More detail here), and its working fine.
Compiz is a little bit faster but sometimes it hangs and windows content are not refreshed, but games are running much faster. Tried Urban Terror and the frame rates ware always close to the limit, in my case 80fps, before was something for 50fps.

Have friend that have a nvidia and sometimes it also hangs , so maybe it is a problem of compiz or of AIGLX, the future will tell.

Also i can not play a movies with compiz neither play a 3d game.

So if I am happy, one can say yes I am, although compiz-fusion is not perfect, but wen it works it runs almost smoothly and little better than before, this means that progress it is being made, so there is hope for the future

Finally Sun has released an update for Java and now its possible to run ATI Control Center.


Brother DCP with linux

Yesterday I've installed my Brother DCP110 in openSuse 10.3 x64

For the printer this is how I did

1. Download the LPR and the CUPS driver from Brother's site

2. Open a root shell and type
rpm -ihv --nodeps xxxx.rpr
where xxxx is the name of the .rpm dowloaded.
First do for the LPR and then for the CUPS.

3. Now edit the /etc/printcap file and insert this line

in the printer section

If this line exist make sure that it looks like that

4. Copy the file which name starts with "brlpdwrapper" from
/usr/lib/cups/filter to /usr/lib64/cups/filter.
(For 64 bit users only)
... and thats it.

For the scanner
1. Download the brscaner2 from Brother

2. Install the latest version of sane and xsane

3. On a root shell type
rpm -ivh brscan-0.2.4-0.i386.rpm

4. Type
echo 'none /proc/bus/usb usbfs auto,devmode=0666 0 0' >> /etc/fstab
if this not work edit the file
/etc/fstab and add
none /proc/bus/usb usbfs auto,devmode=0666 0 0

5. and than type
umount /proc/bus/usb
mount /proc/bus/usb
mknod -m 666 /dev/usbscanner c 180 48

...and thats it.


Ati 8.42.3 + Compiz + openSuse 10.3 x64 How-To

This is how i did
1. Install the drivers and composite-fusion from repositories. Also install emerald, fusion icon and compiz-manager

2. Open a root terminal and enter
aticonfig --initial -f
aticonfig -ovt Xv

3. execute
mv /usr/lib64/libGL.so.1.2 /usr/lib64/libGL.so.1.2.old
ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib64/libGL.so.1.2 /usr/lib64/libGL.so.1.2
For 32 bit users
mv /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2 /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2.old
ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1.2 /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2

4. go to
add in section "ServerFlags"
Option "AIGLX" "True"
and in section "Extensions"
Option "DAMAGE" "True"
Option "Composite" "True"

5. Goto
and type
kwrite compiz-manager
add fglrx in
# Driver whitelist
WHITELIST="fglrx nvidia intel ati radeon i810"
add --no.libgl-fallback in
COMPIZ_OPTIONS="--no-libgl-fallback --ignore-desktop-hints --replace"
and add
# Execution begins here.

6. rebbot

if you got no window borders it's because its not working, try on a terminal
mv /usr/lib64/libIndirectGL.so.1 /usr/lib64/libIndirectGL.so.1.old
mv /usr/lib64/libIndirectGL.so.1.2 /usr/lib64/libIndirectGL.so.1.2.old
and reload compiz
To disable Compiz, right click on fusion icon then Select Window Manager > Kwin